Saturday, February 9, 2013


What an adventure today has been.  We visited Castlerock, Northern Ireland today.  Castlerock is a small coastal town North of Derry.  It was about an hour on the bus, but it felt like we were traveling into a far-off land.  After spending two and a half weeks in Derry we have grown accustomed to the scenery and the initial things that made it seem foreign feel like home now.  Castlerock was a step into traditional, rural, Ireland.  With the typical Ireland haze we found the beach (weirdest thing to be on a beach in boots and a jacket) and traveled to come rocks, up a hill to a beautiful cliff overlooking the beach, and through the valley to temple and house ruins that made the worlds best playground.  The pictures will speak more for the adventure than any words I can say.  For now, I will leave it at that.  I will post pictures on Facebook tomorrow!


  1. What cool adventures you are having!! Love the pictures you are posting! I like that you are having a chance at the start to breath. You were so busy before you left. Good to take time and refresh yourself. How are the classes? Heard they were long. Do you understand what they are saying easily? - Steph

    1. I actually just posted about classes because I realized that I hadn't spoken a word about them yet. For the most part I can understand everything, I just have to be sure that I am paying attention, only active listening works when you're listening to someone with an accent. The only time they lose me is when they start talking about people or place names because they might as well be speaking a different language at that point!
